The 2020 Landscape Awards, recognising the best work by ALCI members from across Ireland across a broad range of landscaping categories, were presented at the Convention Centre Dublin on 6th March.
Gary Graham, Bloom Manager Bord Bia and one of the judges, commented: “Every year we get to take a close look at some of the best work in the country and 2020 was a standout year for superb schemes, large and small, private and public, sport, educational. urban, rural, and everything in between. I always like to focus on the recipients or beneficiaries of these landscapes; the children, parents, grandparents, sports teams, office workers, homeowners, patients, motorists, tourists, etc. There are so many benefits associated with green infrastructure, of any scale, that they are often glossed over and occasionally forgotten. The environmental, social and economic benefits are vast but often taken for granted, often undervalued and often underfunded.”
Link : https://www.alci.ie/awards/